What Are the Benefits of Implant Supported Dentures?
Are you worried you are going to lose all your natural teeth? Tired of the dental upkeep only to have a terrible smile?
If so, replacing them is probably your main concern.
At Rockville Dental Arts we can help replace all your teeth the best way possible with fixed implant supported dentures with a much lower cost than clear choice all on 4.
Conventional Dentures are No Fun
Many patients who have or have thought about traditional dentures may be concerned that their dentures will fall out, move around, or make it difficult to eat their favorite foods. Those of you with conventional dentures know what we’re talking about and how embarrassing it can be.
Dr. Norkiewicz of Rockville Dental Arts is highly-trained in newer, more ground-breaking restorative options to secure your replacement teeth with so called implant supported dentures!
Improved dental technology means that we can provide you with relief from these common concerns. Thanks to this technology, and the expertise of our caring staff, you can have a brand-new set of implant supported dentures.
What can I eat with Implant Supported Dentures?
With these fake teeth you can enjoy corn on the cob, steak and apples again. They are designed to be secure in your mouth when biting or chewing food. When going to bed you simply place your thumbs or fingers under the flange of the denture and push up to remove the overdenture.
What Are Implant Supported Dentures?
Unlike traditional dentures, implant supported dentures are more secure and while still letting you remove them as needed. If your bottom dentures hurt then you would be a great candidate for implant retained dentures. The dental implants will provide support so the denture doesn’t rest solely on the gum tissue.
Do you have a loose lower denture? Patients that have worn dentures for an extended time know that an upper denture can have plenty of stability thru suction forces. However, loose lower dentures are common due to the muscles of the tongue, cheeks, lips and underlying natural bone loss. With implant supported dentures we solve the problem of having a loose denture.
It takes Just Two Implants
Using between two to four dental implants (depending on your needs, of course), we can eliminate the slipping or falling out that accompanies conventional dentures.
Implant supported dentures require a few dental implants securely embedded below the gum line to adhere to the new fake teeth. We place these dental implants strategically with two on the lower jaw and two or four on the upper jaw.
A horseshoe-shaped upper plate replaces the bulky, uncomfortable palate on older models making it more comfortable for the wearer with much better taste sensation.
How many implants needed for an Upper Palateless Implant Supported Denture?
With 2 dental implants your denture can snap in to place and be secure.
However you will still need the whole upper denture for support. There will never be any need for denture glue and it will not be loose.
With 4 dental implants we can make you a roofless denture or palateless denture.
You will have better taste, better feeling, and no gagging on the back of the plate. Implant supported dentures are life changing.
Get A Permanent Solution
Implant supported dentures provide the peace-of-mind that traditional prostheses are missing while also making it more comfortable to wear dentures. For those looking for a more permanent solution, Dr. Norkiewicz has practiced the “All on 4” technique or the clear choice for several years. This method can be discussed during a consultation as well.
They Are Comfortable
As implant supported dentures sit on your gums just as more conventional options once did, they are easy to remove and comfortable when appropriately attached. They can be easily inserted with equal push on both sides from your thumb or fingers. Do not ever try to “bite” them into place as they could break in half.
To remove the snap in dentures simply push the denture out from both sides with a controlled even hard force. After a few attempts the patient usually becomes a pro at getting their new teeth in and out!
These implant supported dentures serve to improve your overall health along with the appearance of your smile. Choosing the right dental options for you means no more excess bacteria or painful inflammation from dental illnesses. Keep reading to learn the snap in dentures cost near me!
Video of Implant Dentures Snapping in:
Implant Supported Dentures Cost
How much does a Snap-On Smile cost? Before determining the cost of implant-supported dentures, it’s essential to consider both the price of the new dentures and the implant procedure itself. For those exploring options like dental implants in Rockville, it’s worth noting that the dentures designed to attach to implants are similar in manufacturing and design to traditional dentures, but they offer added stability and functionality.
There is very little preparatory work to be done with the dental implants. Patients who already have a good set of dentures may see a lower cost than others because we can retrofit those teeth to work with your implants. Typically implant supported dentures cost runs between $5k and $25k depending on how many implants are added.
Implant supported dentures cost more than traditional dentures, but the difference in feel is astounding. Imagine never using denture glue and never worrying about your teeth falling out or slipping.
Plus the dental implants are permanently installed and will never break or decay. Still wondering how much are implant retained dentures for you?
Having the dental implants installed is considered minor oral surgery. It takes just 2 short months for the implants to fully heal and be ready to snap on!
Dr. Norkiewicz and the caring staff at Rockville Dental Arts are BBB accredited and ready to help find the perfect denture solution for you!
Contact us now for a free consultation to request an appointment and to learn how much your implant supported dentures cost near me. Together, we can achieve the comfortable, natural smile you desire.
Benefits of Implant Supported Dentures
More conventional types of dentures rely on suction to remain in place. Normal daily habits can loosen this suction and result in your teeth slipping or even falling out altogether. As implant supported dentures are manufactured without the bulky palate, and they are more secure, this method reduces irritation to the gums. This eliminates any bruising or cuts and lacerations that occur with traditional dentures.
They Are Still Removable
Similar to regular dentures, you can remove snap in dentures for easier cleaning. Whether soaking in approved denture cleaning agents or removing them for a quick clean, you get the best of both worlds with Snap on dentures. Just like your natural teeth, you will need to see a dentist every six months for routine cleaning and continue brushing your teeth daily.
Eat Confidently With Snap In Dentures
We know how badly missing teeth can affect your confidence; we also recognize that standard dentures may also affect this. Snap in dentures won’t embarrass you because the implants eliminate the possibility of accidental movement.
Snap in dentures will give you the freedom to eat more solid foods than traditional dentures. Eating steak, corn, apples, and other food you once enjoyed is a breeze with the Snap on dentures method.
Am I a Candidate for Implant Supported Dentures?
Do I have enough bone for implant dentures? Patients who wonder if they have enough bone for these dentures should not worry. 97% of all of our patients are able to receive at least two implants for snap in teeth even with bone loss.
Dr. Norkiewicz is a skilled implant dentist with over 20 years of experience placing and restoring dental implants. Rest assured you are in great hands and you never need to go to an oral surgeon for your dental work. We also employ a prosthodontist, Dr. Linkous, on site for those you have extremely difficult cases that require a dental specialist.
How Do These Snap in Dentures Work?
With so many teeth replacement options available, it may seem overwhelming to pick the right one for you. Are you even a candidate for implant supported dentures?
If your natural teeth are decaying, we will set up a time to have those teeth removed, as well as the implant surgery, then allow time for your gums to heal before a new set of teeth is installed. This may also affect the type of dentures you choose.
One Procedure
With implant supported dentures, it does take time for your gums to heal after a tooth is removed before the implants can be secured, however sometimes the implants can be placed at the same time as the tooth extractions. It really depends on the patient and the quality of the bones.
The implant supported dentures are anchored by rods located strategically throughout your mouth (consisting of two or four connectors). Your implant dentures are attached to these connectors, and as opposed to other procedures like dental implants, these snap in dentures require fewer implants meaning a shorter recovery time.
The Final Step
Dr. Norkiewicz will attach a metal piece to what is known as a ‘Locator’ in your mouth. This is the small piece that secures your implant retained dentures in place.
Once you’re ready, you can snap and unsnap your dentures as you need. Securing them in place, you can even use your existing dentures with slight modifications. Snap in dentures are easy to use, but we do recommend using your fingers and not biting them down into place as the pressure may damage your dentures. To remove your snap on dentures, use your thumbs on both sides to lift up, it’s that easy.
Although the plastic snaps may wear out every nine to twelve months or so, this simple process means your replacement snaps can be changed in under a minute.
How much do these snap in dentures cost? This restoration starts at $5,000 per arch but depends on how many implants and the type of denture needed. This a much more affordable option than the all on 4 dental implant procedure and costs about half as much.
What are the Snap in Dentures Pros and Cons
The pros are:
- Never worry about the denture slipping
- Never use denture glue
- Eat anything you want
- No palate on the upper denture which gives better taste sensation
- Feel confident with your teeth
- They are more comfortable than regular dentures
- More natural looking
- Future bone loss is prevented
The cons are:
- snap in dentures cost
- 2-3 months for healing of the dental implants
- Yearly maintenance to replace the plastic inserts (less than $30 each)
As you can see from the snap in dentures pros and cons it will be life changing to have this dental treatment performed. For snap on smile near me visit us for a free consultation.
Are there any snap in dentures problems?
The most common problem is when the denture doesn’t snap anymore. The plastic inserts wear out about every 9-12 months. These inserts need to replaced and then the denture will snap in again good as new.