There are a lot of options for dentures out there, but one of the best all around are snap on teeth. That being said, they are also the most expensive option on the market. While implant dentures are by far less expensive than dental implants for every tooth in the mouth, they are still an expensive procedure.
So how do people afford snap in dentures? Let’s go over some of your key options. Keep in mind that if you have more questions, you can always contact our office. We are happy to help you figure out what all of your options mean and even help sort out your insurance policy. Our team works on helping our patients with these issues every day and can help you navigate for your dental needs.
What Are Implant Dentures?
Implant supported dentures are sometimes called All-on-4 dentures or All-on-6. These are a good option for people missing all of their teeth.
Traditional dentures are removed from the mouth and cleaned daily. There are advancements that can make them a tighter fit, but you still always need to be concerned about getting your traditional dentures to stay firmly in your mouth and not slide around.
Dental implants are as close to natural teeth as a person can get. A qualified implant professional will install a titanium screw into the jawbone. This works like the root of the tooth. An abutment is attached to the top, and then a crown is placed over that. It is then cared for as a natural tooth would be, meaning you brush, floss, and visit your dentist for a cleaning every six months.
Snap on teeth offer a lot of the same benefits as dental implants, at a much lower cost. Your qualified dentist will install a few dental implants (the titanium screws). Your snap in dentures are then attached to the implants. Instead of installing an implant for each of the 28 teeth, you can use snap on teeth with only four or six implants. This lowers the cost of having implants by more than half. At the same time, you have the benefit of natural-looking teeth that are firmly in your mouth.
How Much Are Implant Dentures?
Implant supported dentures cost between $5,000 to $10,000 per arch. There may be additional costs that could affect your final cost. For example, if you need tooth removal or bone grafts to improve your jaw bone health for the implants. Your dentist will be able to evaluate your dental health and give you a closer estimate for your needs before moving forward.
For comparison, getting a full mouth of dental implants costs $40k-$80k.
How Can I Afford Snap On Teeth?
Depending on your individual situation, there are a few ways you can handle covering the final costs of your snap in dentures. Our office is happy to work with you to figure out your needs.
If you have dental insurance, they will often cover at least part of the cost of implant supported dentures. Implants are widely used today and accepted as a strong move for your dental health. Your specific policy will determine if they cover the cost of snap on teeth and how much. Often, an insurance company will pay up to 50% of the cost for implant dentures.
We also offer a variety of snap in dentures financing options for our patients and have an implant dentures payment plan for our patients. These help many people manage the costs to a level they can afford.
If you have any questions about implant supported dentures or financing your snap on teeth, please contact our team today so we can help you meet your dental needs.