Deciding to Get a Tooth Implant

All on Four Dental Implants

Have you been considering getting a tooth implant? If you have a missing tooth or teeth, a tooth implant procedure offers a natural and permanent solution to tooth loss. They can be done anywhere in the mouth, including as a front tooth implant.

There was a time when dentures or bridgework were the only option for people missing a tooth. Now if you are missing one tooth or all of them, tooth implants are often the best option for healthy candidates who can afford them.

Do you have questions about whether a tooth implant is the right choice for you? At Rockville Dental Arts, our team is always here to help. In this article, we’ll go over some of the most common decision points our patients need to carefully consider, including the alternative to tooth implant options, tooth implant cost, and what the tooth implant process looks like. If you’re searching for reliable information or expert care regarding dental implants Rockville MD, our experienced team is ready to guide you through the process and answer all your questions.


What a Tooth Implant Isimagen que es implante dental


A dental implant is a permanent solution for tooth loss. The process includes installing a metal screw in the healthy jawbone. At Rockville Dental Arts, we are equipped for dental oral surgery so the procedure is pain free and done in-house, so you won’t have to make arrangements with a second office.

The titanium screw keeps the artificial tooth secure. This part of the tooth implant can be thought of as the root for your tooth.

Once the implant is given time to heal, an implant abutment is used to secure the implant crown to the titanium screw. The dental crown is really an artificial tooth. It will be made to fit in with your natural teeth.


Determining If You’re a Good Tooth Implant Candidate


Whether you have one missing tooth or need every tooth replaced, tooth implants can be a great permanent option. There are two points that many of our patients find most important in this decision process.

The first major consideration is your health. Ideally, you will have healthy gums and a healthy jawbone for an implant to take well. You’ll need an exam and visit with your dentist to make sure you’re a great candidate for a successful tooth implant.

The next major consideration is the cost. The tooth implant cost is not insignificant. Many dental insurance plans are coming to terms with how essential this procedure is to the well being of their patients. They are coming to see that because implants are a permanent solution that don’t bother the other teeth.  Also, they have less issues down the line that the insurance company or patient would have to pay for.

Patients want them, so many dental insurance companies are catching up with this demand. Even so, the cost is a major consideration for many patients.

Maybe you want to compare tooth implant vs bridge?  The costs are relatively the same but with the implant your adjacent teeth do not have to be cut down.  Also with the implant it is easier to clean and floss your teeth.  There also alternatives to tooth implants.


How Much Is A Tooth Implant?cost of dental implants


Wondering how much does a tooth implant cost?  The total single tooth implant cost per tooth ranges from $2000 to $5000.  The good news is that dental insurance may cover parts of your treatment.  For a detailed overview of the tooth implant cost, please see our single tooth implant cost page with more information.

At Rockville Dental Arts, our team is devoted to doing what we can to make the process comfortable for you. We know that the tooth implant process is more than just the procedure. It’s also scheduling your appointments and figuring out financing.

Our dentist office works with dental insurance companies every day. We are happy to work with you to answer your questions about how your insurance plan works and what you can do to cover the tooth implant cost.  While we accept most PPO insurance plans, we also accept financing through Care Credit and can answer your questions about this option. We also take personal checks.

If you’re missing more than one tooth and they are teeth that are right next to each other, we may be able to install one implant for two to four teeth. This can cut down on the cost for those with multiple missing teeth.


Can A Front Tooth Implant Be Done?front tooth implant


Yes, dental implants can be done on any tooth if the jawbone is healthy and other requirements are met. The front tooth is one of the most important parts of your smile. We know how much it matters to our patients’ confidence that their front tooth looks as natural and beautiful as possible.

The dental implant front tooth process can take a a few months. To keep your smile looking great, we can also do temporary crowns to keep your smile complete while the tooth implant process is happening.

A molar implant is also possible.  Basically any missing tooth in your mouth can be replaced with dental implant crowns.  (except of course wisdom teeth – who would want to replace those anyway!)


Living With a Dental Implant


Some people worry about their life going forward. It’s natural to feel scared if you’ve recently lost your tooth and you are worried about having natural teeth. Will your smile look normal? Can you eat regular foods? Do you need to have the tooth checked on frequently? Will it need to be replaced?

Don’t worry. A tooth implant is actually very similar to your natural teeth. This is one of the biggest reasons people choose this over alternatives to tooth implants, like bridgework or dentures, despite the tooth implant cost. You will be able to eat regular foods. You will want to have regular teeth cleanings and exams, just like you do for your other teeth. Your tooth implant is a permanent solution, unless something happens, as it may to any of your other teeth.

Your smile will look entirely natural. No one will ever be able to tell your tooth is artificial or that you ever had any missing teeth.


The First Steps Toward a Tooth Implant


The very first step to getting the smile you dream of is contacting our Rockville Dental Arts office here in Rockville, MD.

When you contact our office, we’ll answer any more questions you may have about financing or other parts of the tooth implant process. We can also schedule your first appointment so we can perform an exam to discover if you’re a good candidate for a tooth implant.

We will work with you to assure that if implants aren’t the right option for you, you still have the very best in professional dental care. This may mean an alternative to tooth implant options, which we can help you navigate.

Are you ready to take the first steps toward your very best smile? Contact our team today!

